Well-known skateboarder Zion Williams passed away on June 19, 2023, at the age of 20. His cause of death remains unknown, but according to his mother, Charmaine Williams, he died in his sleep, most likely due to natural causes, as he did not have any other health issues.
The official Facebook page of the San Francisco Recreation and Park Department paid tribute to Williams, saying that although Zion lost his vision following gun violence in 2021, he "had relearned his daredevil tricks."
The post continued:
"A fixture at San Francisco skateparks, he was integral as an advocate in pushing for recent improvements to Waller Street Skatepark. Thank you Zion, for all that you've done to promote skateboarding, improve our city, and inspire people through your triumphs over adversity."Zion's close friend and former roommate Matt Madden said that his perseverance was unmatched, adding:
"He absolutely epitomized skateboarding. … It was great to see his love and dedication (toward it)."According to ABC7, the skating community will reportedly organize memorials for him throughout San Francisco.
Netizens pay tribute to Zion Williams on Twitter
Zion Williams aimed to become a professional skateboarder despite losing his eyes to gun violence back in 2021. Williams never gave up on his dreams and this was an inspiration for various other aspiring pro skateboarders.
Twitter was flooded with tributes when people heard about his demise:
How Zion Williams lost his eyes to a gun violence incident in 2021
Zion Williams was training to become a professional skateboarder before his death. He was 10 years old when he became interested in skateboarding.
Tragedy struck the boy in 2021 when he was shot outside a bar by a drunk man. Williams was returning home with his friends and after being shot twice, his right eye was completely damaged and the socket of his left eye was smashed, which punctured the eyeball, leaving it deflated and withered.
Williams was hospitalized after the shooting incident and although he had the option to get a prosthetic eye, he chose an eye featuring the logo of Spitfire, his favorite skate brand. He recovered and continued his practice to become a skateboarder.
While reading a kickflip at a skate park in San Francisco in May 2022, Williams said that he wanted to launch a skate after-school program for students. Speaking on his skateboarding skills, Zion reflected:
"When I approach a new obstacle, I usually feel it out with my cane, or ask friends what they see, how it's set up, what should I try to look out for. And I just work my way up and find what I'm most comfortable with."Zion Williams also mentioned that he can easily perform tricks without any fear. His friends also appreciated his efforts, especially Dexter Lotz, who stated that being blind has helped Zion to become better at his sport.
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